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I have been suffering with diverticulitis, leaky gut and SIBO for the past year and a half. I was very stressed and in despair because I have always followed a healthy diet & lifestyle. …

I now have the whole family taking colostrum. I swear by this product and urge anyone seeking to improve their health to purchase from this high quality company. Do not compromise on the purity and quality due to cost....

Read the full testimonial


I’ve noticed the quality of your colostrum as soon as I opened the packet because of the color, rich yellow tone. It is a high quality colostrum that I’ve even swirled around my mouth to help with gum inflammation and found it to be helpful almost instantly. I did purchase the product to help heal my gut lining and I can honestly say that my main symptom is gone after a few weeks use.


For years I have experienced chronic stomach aches, bloating and fatigue. I have been back and forward to doctors and specialists and tried every single stomach ache medication out there with no relief. But since starting the SGD Bio colostrum powder my stomach aches and bloating have disappeared. For the first time in years I can confidently go out for dinner without being in pain. My energy levels have increased dramatically, giving me more quality time with family and friends. I have even had people notice how much healthier I look. My skin is so much clearer and my hair is so healthy and shiny. I highly recommend everyone to try this amazing product, it has improved my life incredibly. I feel like the old me again!


After I use colostrum for 3 weeks, I feel like I can easily handle cold weather with fewer clothes. (Under the same temperature I used to wear a jumper, now I only need a short-sleeve T-shirt), and my mom feels the same as well.

My mom only got flu once this winter (It’s winter in China, the temperature in my hometown could reach minus), and for the last few years, she would easily be got cold or flu 2-3 times during the winter. (Boost Immunity)

A few days ago, I suddenly noticed my skin looks better than before (99% of the time I didn’t pay attention to my face skin. It must be got a significant improvement to attract my attention), and I called my mom, she said she found the age spots are fading from her face (healthy aging)

I feel my stomach is getting more strong than before. I can handle more cold food or spicy food without causing any Digestive system disorders.