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Frequently Asked Questions

Colostrum is the highly nutritious fluid produced by humans, cows, and other mammals before breast milk is released. It contains high levels of antibodies, which are proteins that fight infections and bacteria. Colostrum gives a boost to your immune system and health.

+ Why is the collection of SGD Bio Colostrum better?

Handpicked from our farms to ensure that only the best Colostrum is collected. All products can be traced back to the farm of origin and is quality controlled off each cow.

South Gippsland Dairy Colostrum comes from our own farm or local farmers. We do not blend or import or use any other products.

Colostrum is collected from cows that are raised and fed on grass pastures year round, enabling them to gain the natural immunity from all seasons and their natural environment. Colostrum is not collected off intensive feedlot farms.

Hand harvested from a very small and select number of family farms. Harvesting this way, local farmers get both the benefit of our production and in return can meticulously collect the excess Colostrum. The high levels of antibodies and growth factors in our products occur naturally and are balanced by nature.

Raw Colostrum is collected and tested according to a HACCP process registered with Dairy Food Safety Victoria.

Farmers depend on healthy calves for their future, so they inherently take care of them. They only supply us while following the Dairy Australia Colostrum Collection Guidelines. They only take Colostrum that is in excess to the requirements for their healthy calves.

+ Why is the processing of SGD Bio Colostrum better?

The valuable proteins within colostrum are heat sensitive. Our processing methods are gentle, boutique and specifically designed for colostrum only and validated to ensure the bio activity of the colostrum is made available to our customers. We do not alter or artificially unbalance and elevate antibody levels in a factory i.e. membrane processing. South Gippsland Dairy developed a research and pilot plant and got the process right. We then started to build our commercial production plant. Our plant was built around the product, we did not try and make a milk processing plant work for Colostrum. The plant is specifically set up for heat sensitive colostrum processing to make a superior product.

All our products are freeze dried at low temperatures, not spray dried at high temperatures.

Bio Colostrum has been independently tested by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) against other brands and has shown to have greater levels of bio-activity of Immunoglobulins (IgG). Product is thouroghly tested for bio activity before releasing for sale.

+ What are the benefits of Colostrum?

Colostrum is one of the greatest natural sources of growth and healing factors.

As a result, you will find a wide variety of health claims for colostrum on the internet.

We believe our SGD Bio Colostrum is a superior product.

Colostrum may help:

-Boost Immunity

-Digestive problems

-Improve Gut Health

-Improve physical performance and endurance

-Accelerate healing of injuries

-Boost immune deficiency

-Relieve diarrhea

-Healthy aging

-Wound healing

-Eliminate viruses, bacteria and pathogens

-Assist in the treatment of wide variety of gastrointestinal conditions such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gut injury

-Assist to boost immune deficiency related to diarrhea and infectious diarrhea

-Lean Muscle Mass growth

+ Are there any risks in taking Colostrum?

We suggest prior to taking South Gippsland Dairy Bio Colostrum that you discuss with a health professional, naturopath or General Practioner.

Bio Colostrum products are tested to be free of Human Pathogens before release to our customers as per our licence with Dairy Food Safety Victoria.

+ How much of South Gippsland Dairy Bio Colostrum Powder should I take?

A health professional may advise you on the right dosage. South Gippsland Dairy recommends: Serving suggestion: Take 2grams (approx. 1 teaspoon) daily, or as professionally advised.

As everybody’s metabolism and absorption rate varies, Colostrum as a supplement, in some cases may take from a few days to a few weeks to see a positive result.