100% Australian Whole Bio-Colostrum
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Click image to see full details for product, or simply click add to cart to keep shopping
Below is an overview of important Colostrum information: the positive differences of South Gippsland Dairy’s premium colostrum.
Our colostrum is recognised by the health industry as premium grade
SGD does not remove or alter any part of nature’s balance of components within the Colostrum. It is 100% pure and whole, nothing is concentrated, added or extracted
SGDairy protects the Bio-Activity to provide high levels of IgG active antibodies
No fat lipids are removed or the associated cell membranes
No natural proteins are removed
SGD Low Lactose Colostrum Powder:
Standard Colostrum has approx.13% Lactose.
Ours has less than 1% lactose. That’s a 92% reduction!
Quality controlled to avoid any cross contamination
SGD takes only from the first milking within hours of calving for maximum purity
Cruelty free. Newborn calves are not affected
Our Farm Services Director personally picks up directly from our farmers to ensure its purity. Quality control starts here.
All colostrum collected is track-able back to each farm/cow
All the dairy cows are grass fed and graze freely in lush green paddocks
Our suppliers (the farms) are certified to be free from TSE, BSE and scrapie disease
We have revolutionised the way colostrum is processed. As a result, we provide the highest quality, pure (nothing removed) colostrum.
Freeze dried to maximise the goodness and retain the full health benefits
Freeze drying occurs at -30 to -50 degrees Celsius which sublimates/transfers the product straight from liquid to solid. This process takes far longer than the commonly used method of spray drying, using air at extremely high temperatures. N.B High temperatures degrade bio-active protein components
Freeze drying is far more expensive to produce one kilogram of pure Colostrum.
We refuse to compromise on quality
I have been suffering with diverticulitis, leaky gut and SIBO for the past year and a half. I was very stressed and in despair because I have always followed a healthy diet & lifestyle. …
I now have the whole family taking colostrum. I swear by this product and urge anyone seeking to improve their health to purchase from this high quality company. Do not compromise on the purity and quality due to cost....
I’m 73 and have noticed my skin has become a lot smoother and less wrinkly. I didn’t start using colostrum for this reason, just for general health, so was not looking for that result, just happened to notice it one day.
We purchased this product to see if it would help with my son who suffers from chronic fatigue like symptoms. He gets completely exhausted and overwhelmed. The colostrum has helped increase his energy and ability to push through when he starts to get very tired. Thank-you for the product as it has helped a lot and we will continue to purchase this product into the future
I have more energy and just feel better overall. I was flicking through TV channels 1 Sunday morning and you were on a home shopping station and what made me look was I knew Korumburra. Great Product.
I’ve noticed the quality of your colostrum as soon as I opened the packet because of the color, rich yellow tone. It is a high quality colostrum that I’ve even swirled around my mouth to help with gum inflammation and found it to be helpful almost instantly. I did purchase the product to help heal my gut lining and I can honestly say that my main symptom is gone after a few weeks use.
I used to suffer from reflux quite a lot. Since I’ve been taking 2 vanilla chewable tablets every morning, this gradually disappeared to being non-existent over about a 4-6 week period. It’s now just part of my everyday routine, and I feel so much better for it!!
Get on board people. All the doctor prescribed medicines given to me only produced temporary relief. A couple of capsules/tablets a day of bio and no more heartburn and general health is fantastic. Great product.
Was feeling lethargic, these tablets have given me lasting energy with a spring in my step. One taken when waking up then one before bed. GET ON.
I started taking SGD Bio Colostrum for its reported help with immunity and gut health and throughout 2020 I have not experienced and respiratory illness at all. It may be coincidence, but my children have had a number of colds that have not affected me at all.
I have been using South Gippsland Dairy colostrum for a few months now and I am amazed by this product. My immune system has never been better. … My husband and kids have just started using this product and I can’t wait for the whole family to benefit from it. Taking colostrum is now part of my daily routine! I can’t recommend this product enough!!
For years I have experienced chronic stomach aches, bloating and fatigue. I have been back and forward to doctors and specialists and tried every single stomach ache medication out there with no relief. But since starting the SGD Bio colostrum powder my stomach aches and bloating have disappeared. For the first time in years I can confidently go out for dinner without being in pain. My energy levels have increased dramatically, giving me more quality time with family and friends. I have even had people notice how much healthier I look. My skin is so much clearer and my hair is so healthy and shiny. I highly recommend everyone to try this amazing product, it has improved my life incredibly. I feel like the old me again!
I have suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for many years. I have been taking SGD Bio Colostrum, ~4g, twice per day under a trial basis for approximately the last 12 months and have had great relief from my problem. As an extra bonus my finger nails are healthier and longer.
I woke up to having Gout in my toe. I increased my daily intake to 2 big teaspoons of Colostrum a day and haven’t had any major pain and have been walking on it without problems. Before taking Colostrum I have had Gout 3 times in the past and couldn’t walk on it for days.
After I use colostrum for 3 weeks, I feel like I can easily handle cold weather with fewer clothes. (Under the same temperature I used to wear a jumper, now I only need a short-sleeve T-shirt), and my mom feels the same as well.
My mom only got flu once this winter (It’s winter in China, the temperature in my hometown could reach minus), and for the last few years, she would easily be got cold or flu 2-3 times during the winter. (Boost Immunity)
A few days ago, I suddenly noticed my skin looks better than before (99% of the time I didn’t pay attention to my face skin. It must be got a significant improvement to attract my attention), and I called my mom, she said she found the age spots are fading from her face (healthy aging)
I feel my stomach is getting more strong than before. I can handle more cold food or spicy food without causing any Digestive system disorders.
Thank you for an amazing product. I have my life back. I bought it after seeing your product on Landline. I happened to be having a very bad tummy day. I thought, well why not?! I have my energy back. I look healthy, have gained weight and feel so strong and bouncy! Thank you.
I have NO health conditions. I prevent it from happening. I take the colostrum because it’s an alkaline product. Along with, I enjoy the taste of it. The very first thing when a baby is born (including nature), is to take colostrum into its system. This is because it’s an alkaline and the baby needs alkaline in its immune system to build up and fight off infection. First thing nature does!! Cancer cannot live within an alkaline environment.
My husband and I have been adding 1 teaspoon of Bio Colostrum to our pot set yoghurt since March or April this year. We do not take it every day but only as needed. I feel stronger since I have taken the colostrum and my hip does not trouble as much as it used to. My husbands irritable gut is also improving. I have not been to the doctor as I do not wish to take up their time and I feel my health has markedly improved. We will make your colostrum part of our staple diet. Thank you for taking the trouble to make the product.
Colostrum made me feel all round wellness with Covid it went to the wayside as a lot did, but after Christmas I want to get back to taking it daily again
Boosting my immune system was paramount in making my decision to take colostrum – thus ensuring adequate protection by boosting my antioxidants on a daily basis. Improved gut health, eczema and respiratory health.
Has improved my general health. I can see myself taking the tablets for the rest of my life they have made that much difference.
Tablet stopped bloating and flatulence.
My little dog hasn’t had pancreatitis attack for 6 months 😀😀
I feel I have more energy, the brown spots on my skin seem to be fading and friends say I don’t look my age
I am fighting a deadly fungal lung infection and colostrum has a definite impact on attacking and loosening the infection, helping to expel it.
It certainly made an impact on my bowel habits initially – bowel movement 3 times a day! I didn’t consider this a problem. Cost is the only reason why I stopped taking the powder
All SGD finished products are independently quality tested by external laboratories.
CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation. Validating that our custom made process produces
a higher grade Colostrum.
APVMA: Australian Veterinary Medicines Authority. SGD is uniquely licensed & certified to collect Colostrum for human consumption.
DFSV: Australian Food Standards. Our farmers are licensed for the collection of Colostrum for human consumption.
DFSV: Australian Food Standards. Certifies our HACCP manufacturing process.
TGA: Australian Therapeutic Goods. Our Tablets and Capsules are Licensed Therapeutic Goods.
We welcome Australian & Overseas Stockists, please contact us for more information.
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Business Hours: Mon – Fri, 9am to 5pm
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.