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For years I have experienced chronic stomach aches, bloating and fatigue. I have been back and forward to doctors and specialists and tried every single stomach ache medication out there with no relief. But since starting the SGD Bio colostrum powder my stomach aches and bloating have disappeared. For the first time in years I can confidently go out for dinner without being in pain. My energy levels have increased dramatically, giving me more quality time with family and friends. I have even had people notice how much healthier I look. My skin is so much clearer and my hair is so healthy and shiny. I highly recommend everyone to try this amazing product, it has improved my life incredibly. I feel like the old me again!


My name is Jack I am 58 years old and suffer from rheumatoid arthritis predominantly in my knees and elbows. I have been a sufferer for around 2 years. For a while there I was not sure what would be able to help me, prescribed medication was not curing the pain, there would be days where I could barely walk and the days that I could walk was with a lot of struggle and pain. However, since taking colostrum once a day I can confidently say that I feel close to a million dollars, I have more energy and my knees (which were the worst affected part of my body) are much less painful which gives me the ability to walk freely again. Not to mention that I had stopped taking anti-inflammatories. For the first time in 2 years I can walk further than 100 metres all thanks to taking colostrum.